Dear Mr. Riordan,
You are my favorite author. Your books are most definitely my favorites by a long shot, in particular the Percy Jackson book, especially the original series (Percy Jackson and the Olympians). I discovered them a few years ago and they immediately became my favorites. I love how you make every tiny moment interesting, and even if there's nothing really interesting to put in some places, you manage to cram tidbits of humor into every nook and cranny. Reading your books, I enjoy not only the sole aspect of reading a good story, I also get a good laugh. You put a lot of mythology into them; I learn a lot about stories varying from the smaller stories and myths to the gods themselves. Normally, I can never read books more than once, even ones that I like. But your books are so funny and action-packed and contain so much information that they are the only ones that I can actually reread over and over again. I really like how you bring all the points to Percy's (or, in the cases of later series, all the heroes') perspective, and you make the characters come to life. It's easy to feel as if I really know the characters and that they're real. I could go on and on about how much I love your books. Thanks so much for the great reading experience!
Derek J.
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