“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that
something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon
This quote by Ambrose Redmoon is saying that some people have more things important things to do have fear. Some people have much emotion that overcomes the fear. Since they have no fear then they have more courage.
This quote is related to the book The Fault In Our Stars. This book is written by John Green. In this book a girl named Hazel who is batteling cancer. She has very bad lungs and takes special medicine to help tumors from growing inside of her. Hazel's parents force her to go to a support group. At her support group Hazel meets a guy named Augustus. The both of them become very close and there relationship is unbreakable. They become boyfriend and girlfriend. At the end of the book they go on vacation together together to see the author of their favorite book. Augustus and Hazel both love each other very much and can tell each other anything.
This quote but Ambrose Redmoon relates to the book The Fault In Our Stars. Both Ausustus and Hazel love each other very much. That emotion overpowers the fear and they don't feel the fear that each of them have. They are so in love that they don't worry about there sickness.
I really like your blog entry. My favorite part is the conclusion, you sumed up the whole blog entry in just a few sentances. Also you explained the realtionship between Hazel and Augustus very weel. Good job!