Driver's Ed by Caroline B. Cooney is a book about two teenagers named Rembrant (Remy) and Morgan Campbell. They are in high school taking driver's education together. Remy likes Morgan and Morgan likes Remy also. They go and come up with the idea of taking road signs to hang in their rooms. They go and take the signs they wanted and randomly, they ended up at Warren and Cherry Street. They take the stop sign and leave, but the next morning the news pointed that Denise Thompson was driving down Warren and Cherry Street and didn't know that there was a stop sign where Cherry met Warren and flew right through the major intersection. She hit a truck and died from the accident. Morgan and Remy figured out the next day and were shocked, they thought it was just a sign and it was their fault for the accident. They avoided getting caught because they were both afraid that they were going to go to jail. Eventually, Remy convinced Morgan that they can't handle their guilt and the secret and that they should go tell their parents. When Remy told her parents, they were shocked. Remy's mom wouldn't talk to Remy and acted like she didn't know Remy. And when Morgan told his parents, his mom did the same thing as Remy's mom did, ignored their child. Morgan's dad wasn't mad at Morgan, but he was upset at the entire situation and tried to help Morgan through his troubles handling everything. Morgan's parents canceled Christmas at their house. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars because it was interesting to see how the parents would handle things and I also liked the overall Theme. I would suggest this book to anybody who likes suspense.
What is Remy’s mother’s name?