Sunday, February 3, 2013

Truancy by Isamu Fukui

                           In the last chapter of the book Truancy by Isamu Fukui, the main character, Tack, and his sister, Suzie, have started to notice some strange things occuring in their community. Most of these changes have been occuring in their school. The Educators and the teachers have been enforcing intense rules and demanding more from their students. Some of these demands include not giving the students the entire period to finish long tests. Also, the teachers to expect to do better on these tests than on tests that are given enough time to complete. I like how the author gradually takes away and restricts the rights of the students and citizens.
                           We learn a lot about Tack throughout this chapter. One thing that we learn is that Tack seems to be angry at society. He knows that there is something wrong with the city he lives in. He is aware of most of the restrictions that the Mayor has set, and he is not happy. Tack thinks that everyone should have a fair chance to succeed in life, but they should not be forced to do things they do not want to do. Another thing we learn about Tack is that he places a high importance on family. He feels comfortable with his family, and more importantly, he trusts his family. Tack would be lost without them.
                       Tack changes throughout this chapter too. As the city around him changes, Tack becomes more aware of the shortcomings of society. These problems make Tack angry. I like how the author makes Tack's anger gradually increase. Based on this, I infer that Tack's anger and unsatisfaction will cause him to take an action against the city. I infer that this action will cahnge his life forever.
                       All in all, I think that this story is starting to heat up. And so early too! The plot is thickening and the conflict is starting to come together. I like how the author set up the conflict so that it is the protagonist vs. society. Also, I like how the author switches from Tack's point of view to the Mayor's point of view throughout each chapter. It helps me to fully understand the story and learn more about upcoming events. Now, for the big question. Will Tack rise up against the city or will the Mayor maintain his harsh rule? Hopefully, I will find the answer to this question soon.

1 comment:

  1. This book seems interesting! I like how you pointed out different details you've noticed.
