Sunday, May 12, 2013

Choose A line- When It Happens (finished)

       This week I started reading When It Happens by Susane Colasanti. I just finished this book, too. It was a really great book to read.  I read another book by Susane and it was really good it kept me wanting to read more and more. I'm hoping this book will do the same. She puts real life situations in her books, and if makes me feel more connected.
      "The prospect of starting senior year next week without a real boyfriend is the worst. Not some math dork or physics geek I end up liking just because he's there. I mean a boyfriend who's everything I want. The whole package." (Page 1)
     This quote was said by the main character Sara. She is starting her last year in high school, and she is really striving for a good year with her friends, boys, and keeping up with boys. She really likes one guy in school, but he is a jock, Dave, and only notices her when she is alone, so he doesn't have to been seen with her with his friends (Sara doesn't realize this). Even though he started to pull the moves on Sara first there is another guy. Toby is all hooked onto Sara like paper is to glue. Tobey is really in love with her, but doesn't know how to tell Sara or get her attention. Sara does finally notices him, his big blue eyes and intelligence, are hard for her to forget. While dealing with boy trouble she forgets about school and starts turning things in late, failing unit test, and even does poorly on little quizzes. Her parents are getting on her back about everything now, and the stress in her house is just to much to handle. She starts getting back on track once Toby starts proving he really does care. She ends up picking one of he guys, you'll have to find that out for yourself. Her grades are getting really good now, and her life is back on track. Summer looks like a blast for her.
         When it Happens by Susane Colasanti is really and truly an amazing book, that everyone should read. I really did enjoy this book more than anything by far. I recommend this book to mostly girls, but also anyone that likes a good book.
                                                                            Rate 10/10

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