Sunday, May 5, 2013

Choose A Line~ The Host

          I am currently reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. This book is very intense. It goes through romance, loss, and violence. It's about the planet Earth being invaded by these souls. The souls take over the lives of the human beings and control what they do. They occupy other planets and are still in the process of Earth. There are groups of human residence everywhere that fight back. They hide from the souls and try to kill them. A girl, Melanie Stryder, is captured and a soul takes over her body. She is a very strong person so her mind stays with her. She still has power over her soul, Wanda. Her boyfriend, Jared, and brother, Jamie, lover her so much that the thought of having a soul in her body hurts them too much. They don't think it is possible to still be alive while a soul is occupying your body. They try to find a way to save her.
          " 'Who did this to you?' he pressed. With a hesitant finger, he almost touched the side of my neck. I held still, feeling no urge to cringe away from this hand.....Jamie waited for a moment, then turned back to me with the same intense expression. 'You're not Melanie, but you know all her memories and stuff, right?'.....'Then you remembered what happened to her?'.....'It's not pleasant,' I breathed.....I recoiled from the memory of pain, and Jamie's face went white under his tan." (pg 166-167)
         I chose this section of the book because it really portrays emotion. It shows her brother devastated over how her sister has a soul in her and it shows how Wanda cares for Jamie even though she is a soul and she is not supposed to. I like it because it has a very sensitive feel to it. "Jamie's face went white under his tan" shows how he reacts to finding out how Melanie died. He cares for her and is shocked that she died and he has no one else. After that, Wanda felt really bad as if she cares for the humans. The image that I see is a little boy pale in the face crying and a girl who is concerned and sympathetic towards him.
       So far I rate this book a 10/10.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Your plot summary was very descriptive and informing! It made me really know what was going on in the book. Also, i think the quote you chose fit your example very well! It also went along with your summary. I also liked how you used imagery.
