Monday, May 6, 2013

Week of April 29th: Choose a Line - Eldest

The Inheritance Cycle is a series of books by Christopher Paolini. The book order is Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and finally Inheritance. They are about a boy, Eragon, who finds a beautiful blue stone while out hunting. The stone soon turns out to be an egg, and hatches to reveal a baby dragon. Eragon keeps the dragon hidden as it grows. But eventually two strangers that work for the evil king, Galbatorix, show up in the town, looking for Eragon and asking around about the blue stone. As they start approaching Eragon's home, the dragon, who he has named Saphira, instinctively carries Eragon far away. They return to find that the farm has been burnt down and his uncle, Garrow, killed. Eragon embarks on a journey with the mysterious town storyteller, Brom, looking for revenge. But Eragon ends up becoming a huge part of the destiny of Alagaƫsia.

"'Don't think about,' [Saphira] counseled. 'You can do nothing about your condition, and you'll only make yourself feel worse. Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now.'" Pg. 879

This is a quote by Saphira from Eldest, book two of the Inheritance Cycle. This is some advice she gave to Eragon. Eragon had recently received a horrible scar from an evil creature, and he constantly had seizures caused by it. He fears that he will not be able to successfully do his duties because of the troubles his back gives him. Although Saphira is only some months old, being a dragon she has instinctive wisdom beyond her years. By this quote, she means to comfort Eragon, telling him not to  burden himself on challenges of the future. She counsels him to not worry, and think about what is going on around him in the present, remember the past lessons he has learned, and not bode on possible future problems.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that your explanation was really well explained and I thought that you might want to elaborate a bit more when you talk about the past and present part but other than that great job
