Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Guys Read:Thriller by Jon Scieszka (FINISHED)

                                I just finished the book Guys Read:Thriller by Jon Scieszka. My favorite story in this book was titled "Pudding." In this story, a boy named Dan goes to the carnival with his friends, Juan and Peeko. Juan and Peeko warned Dan not to eat the pudding the carnival was serving; however, Juan didn't listen because it was the first time he had been to a carnival. Suddenly, the pudding caused Dan to gain super powers as well as a bad case of indegestion. I thought this was a funny effect of eating the pudding. Now, the three friends must track down person who gave Dan the pudding before the carnival leaves town. Will Dan find out the secrets to his powers or will the carnival leave without him? Read the book to find out. My favorite parts of this story were places where Dan had to use its powers and the ending that kept me wanting more. I would recommend this story to people who like suspense and adventure.                                                                                                

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, liked how you left the reader hanging with the ending.
