Rebecca Brown was sent to New Orleans by her father to live with a family friend. Her name was Clauida and she has a daughter named Aureila. Rebecca has never met them before, but she became good friends with them. Rebecca and Aureila were off to school at the Temple Mead. Rebecca was very nervous to go to school. She was also nervous for Aureila because Rebecca doesn't really know her that well. At the school everyone looked the same and was very friendly. The girls that Rebecca was talked to were very rich. There fathers were in a krewe which is a private club. The krewe's throw balls around mardi gra. There ae two classes of people the plebs and the patricians. The Patricians were the people that were talking to Rebecca at school, they were normal people.The plebs were annoying people who thought they were better than everyone. School got very confusing for Rebecca, she felt like she was in a maze. The girls that talked to her at lunch made no effort to help her. Rebecca ending up finding her own way around the school. Rebecca was in her house one night after school and saw the Helena in the cemetery. Helena was a annoying girl that thought she was better than everyone. Rebecca wanted to go and spy on Helena and her friends. They were bringing beer in the cemetery and Rebecca knew something was up.
Why would Rebecca want to go spy on them? Did they have something to do with the picture that she lost? I would recomend this books to young adults who like mysterys. I rate this book a 6/10.
This seems like a really great book. I love mystery books. I might have to read this. I wonder what happens next??