The story introduces a group of girls: Alison DiLaurentis, the perfect yet manipulative queen bee, Aria Montgomery, an independent girl. Emily Fields, a swimmer who holds secret feelings for Alison. Hanna Marin, a shy, overweight girl who strives to be thin and popular like Alison. And Spencer Hastings, an overachiever who is brave enough to stand up against Alison's manipulative ways. The girls always follow in Alison foot steps and whatever she does. They have secerts with her that nobody else knows.
Alison mysteriously disappears during a sleepover with the girls in the summer before 8th grade. Girls have no idea what happen to her and when this all occured. They become major suppsects in the missing of Alison.
Throughout the story, the girls get messages threatening to reveal their secrets of the present and past, including a terrifying incident the girls refer to as "The Jenna Thing". They automatically believe it is their missing friend, Alison, because she is the only one each of them confided in regarding their darkest secrets. However, they are shocked when the police find her body buried in the backyard of her former house. The book ends with the liars receiving a text at Alison's funeral saying, "Im still here bitches and I know everything. - "A"
I enjoyed this book very much. It kept me in the whole time and I found it very interseting that this is happenign to the girls. People who like mystery, adventure, and spooky novles would love this book. The next book is coming soon. But think about this....who is A. What does A want from the girls. Why those girls. Why is Alison dead....
Characrers: Aria, Emily, Alison ,Spencer ,Hanna
Rate 8/10
Nice Job! I've read this book last year. It's a really good book. I like your format of this blog.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your blog! I loved how you told us about each main character in the book. It helped me better understand the book and what is going on. I also liked how you told us what you enjoyed about the book. Overall nice format!
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job with this blog entry! This book looks very interesting, would you recommend it to other students?
ReplyDeleteI like how you asked questions at the end. You did really good with this blog entry! I also read Pretty Little Liars. How do you think it differs from the tv show?
ReplyDeleteGreat job with your blog entry! I liked how you gave really good descriptions of the characters. I also liked how you did not give away the ending, and brought up important questions. This series sounds really good! I love the TV show, would you recommend the books too? Overall, great blog!