Monday, January 7, 2013

The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan (Week 1)

Even though I am 16 pages into the book, it starts with exciting with foreshadowing to the plot. The protagonists, named Carter and Sadie, tell the story alternating chapters. Some minor characters are named Jaz and Walt. Carter and Sadie are brother and sister and are descendents of famous Egyptian magicians. They have found about there true lives and now train other kids in their own training house. Jaz and Walt came to train with Sadie and Carter seven months ago and now they all are good friends. The giant snake Apophis is going to break out of his chamber that he has been locked up in for centuries. Now the world is at the threat of ending.The book starts out a couple months after the first book ended (The Red Pyramid). Carter, Sadie, Jaz, and Walt are trying to break into a museum to remove a statue. So far I have not learned what the statue does and how it will save the world. They have a problem though. There is a wedding going on in the museum and all the exhibits are getting moved tommorow. So for the four characters its now or never. They sneak in through a side window and reach the exhibit. But there's always a problem. I ended where they reach the statue and find out there's a scroll inside. When picks up the scroll the building starts to shake. How will this book end? Whats going to happen next? Will someone have to be sacrificed?
I suggest that anyone that likes mythology with a twist that is in the world we know today, READ THIS BOOK!

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