Sunday, February 10, 2013

Truancy by Isamu Fukui

                                 In this part of Truancy by Isamu Fukui, Tack and Susie are still trying to withstand the harsh changes made by the Educators and the teachers. This story takes place in a totalitarian society, a society in which the government tries to control all aspects of life. The Mayor, the evil being behind all of the harsh laws, works very hard to make this possible. Also, he divides the City, into different districts. Unfortunately, the author does not mention the time period or general place this takes place in. I can infer that it takes place in an Asian country around the twenty-first century because of the names of the kids and the use of the television, electricity, and telephones. I feel that this setting does not play a big role in the story because the author would have emphasized it if he wanted me to pay attention to it.
                                As mentioned in my last blog, the author switches between the points of view of Tack and the Mayor. As a result, the book does not have one main setting. When the author focuses on Tack, he is usually at school or at home. When the author focuses on the Mayor, he is usually in a conference with his most important workers and accomplices. In this part of the book, a new setting was introduced. The author shows the reader the point of view of a rebellious group of kids called the Truancy. I like how the author shows us why he named his book Truancy early instead of waiting until the end. The Mayor states that the Truancy is his biggest threat to his success. The author introduces the truancy by stating that they're on a mission. Their mission is to scavage whatever supplies they can in a gatehouse in an abandoned district. This setting is elaborated on when the author states, " It was the dead of night-12:52, according to Ken's digital watch-and the Truants were all but invisible, moving shadows in this empty part of the City. There were no streetlights for blocks."   Ken and Zyid are two boys that are apart of this mission. Ken takes on more of a leadership role in this mission, and Zyid is the explosives and weapons specialist. They have to take out the Enforcers, the Mayor's police force, and take all of the supplies in the gatehouse without getting captured. Will they be successful? Read the book to find out.
                                The settings of the Mayor, Tack, and the Truancy are all very important, but I think Tack's setting is the most important. I feel this way because the author tends to spend more time focusing on him instead of the Mayor and the Truancy. Also, I predict that Tack will do something that involves all of the other settings and characters. Speaking of predictions, my prediction in my last blog has not been answered yet; however, I can now elaborate on it. I now think that Tack will join the Truancy in order to take action against the Mayor and the City.
                                 All in all, I am starting to like this book a lot. Hopefully, the author has more action-packed and major events in the rest of the book.


  1. When I was reading your blog about your book I thought it was a little boring. But when I read that you thought the same, but that the book was starting to more interesting it caught my attention.

  2. Thomas, I love reading your blog entries! You are also so detailed with your commentary and thinking-- often really pulling us into the world of the book you are reading. I especially like how you picked up on and can write well about this book in which place setting is not as important as ideological setting.
